Friday, September 25, 2009

Yesterday (wait, was that a Beatles song?)

Dear yesterday,

You were a shit show. Lucky for you, PBR was there to make me feel all warm, cheap, snuggly, and alcoholic on the inside. YOU made me get up at 6 am in order to go to an 8 am recitation where my t.a thought it was appropriate to have an NYU icebreaker about our favorite movies/books/bands...I do believe I burned a hole in the chalkboard behind her with my scalding look. I gulped down my Starbucks, which began to make me feel a bit more human, but was still appalled when, apparently, I was expected to talk/discuss/and think during said recitation. Then, rec't was over, and it was time for my 9:30 social psych class with a 9:30 social psych quiz. Apparently, the caffeine decided to come at me all at once (something to do with the oatmeal, perhaps...or maybe the 5 sweet-n-lows I used between said oatmeal and coffee consumption?!?) I looked like I was on speed. I couldn't stop shaking and my prof looked semi-concerned about my physical well-being. Well, yesterday, I TOOK that quiz. Then I started to get REALLY hot during class in my tanktop/jacket combo...which I HAD to wear because I didn't shave. Then my stomach started loudly making angry hungry noises, so I satiated it with a package of Starbucks oatmeal mixed-nuts...

That, dear yesterday, would have been enough. But no. Nononon. I just had to have a Hebrew quiz, which I found out about the day before. Realistically, I should have done fine. I memorized ALL the words, and even translated the word bank into English! But, yesterday, you ensured that my mind was too sleeps deprived to understand the sentences I had to fill in. You further ensured that I made an ass out of myself. Twice. While simultaneously creating such phrases as "culture" eyed. Instead of "wide" eyed. And Sentences like, "Man-made creation, you were already in Israel?" Which I suppose semi-makes sense. If I were on acid, and talking to my shoes. All while on the verge of shitting my pants (per, usual).

Oh, yesterday. I know you felt bad. Which is why you allowed me to spend time with my dear friend, Fefayefaye. And drink the night away with my roomie and PBR while watching Grey's Anatomy and thinking about sex and death and how hot McSteamy looks in the shower.

Yesterday, I know we have had our differences, but I just wanted you to know, that I forgive you. And that I want us to work through this.

And also, I want to have coffee with D soon. And if you make this happen. And if you make it go well. And if you keep me well stocked with PBR everyday for the rest of my life, maybe, just maybe, we can be friends again.


1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA. I love your made up Hebrew sentences. And enough with the shitting of the pants. Take some lactaid, I'm telling you!!!!!
