Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm waiting until the last possible second to urinate.

Things currently on my mind.

1) I NEED to lay off the baked goods. Especially banana pudding. Which isn't necessarily a valid baked-goods categorization. But it is good. And contains baked items. And I am eating far too much of it.

2) Why do armpits smell so much worse when you wear a tank top? Wouldn't they smell better because they're getting aired out?

3) Starbucks perfect oatmeal truly is perfect. Mostly because it fits into the lid of the coffee cup perfectly, so you only need one hand to hold both. But also, because you can steal the packets of nuts and eat them as snacks throughout the day. And sweeten with either brown sugar or sweet-n-low.

4) I just found out it's sweet-n-low. Not sweet-and-low. I'm not sure how I feel about this revelation.

5.) I'm obsessing over the thought that I need to work on being less obsessive.

6.) There is a random man in my apartment. I just heard him come in. I'm hoping this is the mysterious dog walker I was told about. If not, uhm, this shall be quite an eventful night. I am hiding in my room. Snuggled on lofty.

7.) Stanley Milgram's shock experiment = the BEST psych porn ever! Specifically when you watch it on an overhead projector. And see all the normal folk give increasingly painful/presumably lethal shocks to some random dude because a guy in a white coat told them to. The intensity grows and grows until finally they're let in on the tricksies, light up a smoke, and let out a sigh. So, like porn. Except hotter.

8) I REALLY miss the days when psychology had no ethics. And people smoked in the lab. I mean they just look so darn cool.

9) So, Starbucks has been advertising this "taste test" of their regular brewed coffee and their new instant brand. I thought it would be all...can you tell the difference?!?!? If you can, we give you a free cup. But alas, no. They give you one small ass cup of their coffee then one cup of hot water for you to make your instant. Then you take them to the table. And drink. And there's no competition. Or testing of any kind. But you do get free coffee...

10) Starbucks closes at 11. Half the lights were off at 9. I mean, we're college students. Turning the lights off won't actually make us leave.

11) I need to pee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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