Sunday, February 14, 2010

V - Day! By which I mean veneral disease.

Yes, dear readers, today is valentines day. In Colombia, they call it..."spanishspanishspanish" aka: Day of love and friendship. I like that, mostly because I am alone. And recently drunk facebooked the loml (love of my life) who, I'm sure, is celebrating with awesome girlfriend. I also recently have been contemplating a non-date that I experienced, which has led me to the understanding that I know nothing about men. This belief has been cemented during subsequent encounters.

Dear readers, relationships are hard, and break-ups are sad. And sad, angry, lonely, bitter people are generally more interesting to be around than the happy ones. Mostly because I'm a self-centered bizotch who doesn't like to see other people happy. But, dear readers, I am also a firm believer in karma, and for that reason alone I am going into today: the day of chocolate and wine and bitterness with an open, happy heart.

Speaking of wine, dear reader, I got wasteyed the other night. But, I didn't vomit, so I was very proud of that. I think you are too, dear reader! And I spoke to some nice, fun israelis who tried to make me speak hebrew--which was actually significantly easier the drunker I got. Or maybe I was just as bad but was less aware of it the drunker I got. Also, i tend to get confused by the actions of israeli men. and men in general.

Also, I am again attempting to work up my courage to go to cog neuro office hours. Damn you snow storm shattering my resolve!

So, dear readers, Happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope your day is filled with chocolate, and gluttony, and sex. (if you so choose.).

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