Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sometimes, I'm just awkward (shocking, i know)

Ayeaye maties! So, monday night i was already totes over this week. bad sign seeing as i still had tues, wed, and thurs. and yet somehow, here I am! Still in the nyc, and as much of a self-loathing, cynical, and charming bizotch as ever. i'm re-reading Baumeister's article on unrequited love, in order to remind myself that the reason i cannot have my affection's object is because i am significantly less attractive than said other. And attractive people don't like to date less attractive people. Maybe I should write that down on a sticky note and post it to my fridge for inspiration? Repeat it as my mantra in the starbucks line. "I am unworthy because I am less attractive." Then again, that would seem to interfere with my other Starbucks goal of staring silently at uncomfortable passers-by.

So, i want to learn hebrew. like legit. and i had this brilliant idea that i could ask my israeli martyrdom t.a. to have coffee with me and speak to me in hebrew. but i am le shy, so i awkwardly emailed my awk prof in order to ask his opinion. upon further consideration this seems like a bad idea as A) It will probs look like I'm asking him out on a date. B) It's like free tutoring. C) It could make class awk and D) I actually SUCK at hebrew. (thanks boo for reminding me!!!) So now, i awkwardly await an awkward reply from my awkward prof about an awk situation that is totes completely my fault.

Also, at whole foods today, they were doing a thanksgiving day sampler. and i awkwardly wandered around the salad bar waiting for it to be ready. I consumed: 2 (extremely small) pun'kin' pie pieces. 1 piece of chocolate truffle. Spoonful of stuffing and a spoonful of strange organic whole foods mush. I washed it down with a shot of soup that i ladeled (sp?) in a dressing cup, and then went upstairs to get real food. The stuffing sitch was EPIC. It kept sticking to the spoon and not going on the i yelled...noooooooooooooooooo!! and the guy used his (gloved) finger to wipe it onto the plate...mmm...complex carbs.

that's enough for today. time to re-read "A lesson in Self Hatred" (aka: "unrequited love.") peace and love to you, RACHEL MADDOW OF MSNBC.

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