Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fated Pudding

Noise. At my window. Unusual. Strange. Pigeon encroaching upon my territory, perhaps? I could get up and check, but I am too frightened. Of pigeons. And men with knives. And the dark. Speaking of which, as soon as I turn out my lights and get in bed, it will be dark and I will have no idea of what is encroaching.

Also, I smell bad. I'm not entirely sure why. I feel like it has something to do with long sleeves. And prolonged exposure to the rain.

Also, I NEED to do laundry. Yesterday. But will be forced to settle for tomorrow.

Also, my t.a. just got back to me on my topic for a paper worth 25% of my grade. The email started with, "Well, I won't tell you not to do it, but..." And went on, just as one would expect it too.

Also, I still can't stop obsessing over my unrequited crush. However, I have decided that my life is busy/stressful/horrid enough that am I allowed one little itty bitty outlet. I need some sleepy time. I have accomplished nothing. Except self-pity. Does that count as being productive? I want some banana pudding right about now...

Also, I have to read an article for matryrdom on mon, but it wasn't posted correctly, and I can't email him AGAIN because im already an awk mo-fo. So i just can't read it. Oh, my problems encompass the world!

p.s. I heard an amazingly lovely and serendipitus (sp?) love story today. And I am giving over my unrequited issues to fate! Fate, serve me well! And in return, I will buy you a cup full of banana pudding.

p.p.s. if Sugar Sweet Sunshine ever puts calories on the banana pudding, I will cry. Fo' reals folks.

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