Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New York, NY: it's a ___________ town.

Dear Law and Order: Criminal Intent,
Thanks for filming on my block today! It makes me feel like part of something creepier and more depraved than myself. You, and all the other crime shows out there teach me important life lessons every day. Like, how when the 3 dudes who were standing on the side-walk holding a car bumper in their hands and spray painting it gray asked if I wanted to try, I said no! I mean, really I did, but now I know all about fingerprints and DNA and it looked fo' reals to the sketch. Also, you've taught me how to stand up for myself. Like when Rhome, my puppy was hogging the couch all day, and I said NO! And he didn't listen. But then he got up, and I stole the spot, and I felt extremely mentally superior to him. And then I got up and said, "Don't take my spot!" And he didn't!!! Oh, Law and Order, you opened my eyes to the heinous side of life that I might never have seen. Criminal Minds, CSI, and all the rest may keep me up at nights. But, you, MR. L & O, YOU will always be my first.

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